
Literally: Pinch the wall

Slang for retrieving cash from an ATM

Added on October 8, 2022

Literally: A put

Slang for clothes, especially stylish ones.

Added on September 24, 2022

Literally: A fattened one, or one that is made with smen

Msemna is the singular form of msmen, a Moroccan dish that looks like a flat square pancake. Figuratively, it also means a slap to the face.

Added on February 14, 2021

Literally: The kind mother.

A euphemism used to describe universities (facultés) in Morocco. As opposed to higher education schools and institutes, Moroccan universities don't generally have special admission requirements other than a high school graduation diploma (baccalauréat). This has been likened to the unconditional love of a kind mother because it loves its children regardless of their shortcomings. Synonyms include but are not limited to : la fac (sometimes spelled "la fuck"), lkollia

Added on January 21, 2021

Literally: Les é

Short for "les écouteurs", meaning "earphones". Sometimes the plural form "lliziat" is used instead of the singular form. Since "llizi" is itself a plural, this essentially makes "lliziat" the plural of a plural.

Added on January 14, 2021

Literally: It whistles

It is said about a place that is empty.

Added on December 26, 2020

Literally: Mickeys

Slang for "cartoons" (dated). The term "mikhyat" is the plural of "mikhi", which was popularized by Mickey from "Mickey Mouse".

Added on December 21, 2020

Literally: Shove in your face

To shove in one's face is slang for "to eat". Synonyms include "t9assi" or "t3alj" (to cure).

Added on December 20, 2020


A very cold weather.

Added on December 18, 2020

Literally: A crush

A way for people to refer to someone they have a crush on. It is usually referred to as "the crush" (Lcrush) instead of "a crush" (crush, without the L)

Added on December 6, 2020